Beginners guide -Test automation environment setup — Eclipse -Java, Selenium, Maven
Eclipse— Java, Selenium, Maven
In this guide, I will walk you through the test automation project environment setup using Eclipse(IDE), Maven, java, and Selenium stack.
Following this guide, you can set up a project environment and run simple test automation.
What is Eclipse?
Eclipse is an open-source Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used for developing computer software. Eclipse contains a base workspace as well as extensible additional plugins to customize the environment. It is popular mostly among java developers. But it supports C/C++, Python, PERL, Ruby, etc. Eclipse always release under a public license so it is free to download and installed.
Below I’m explaining just the steps to follow to make a new project in Eclipse beginning with installing the required software packages.
Step 01: Install Java and Configure the java path.
Step 02: Install Eclipse
Step 03: Create a Java Project in Eclipse
Step 04: Add Selenium JARs to the project
Step 05: First Selenium Java code to land on a web page
STEP 06 : Add Geko Web Driver (GekoDriver — Mozzila firefox) / Webdrivermanager
Step 01: Install Java and Configure the java path.
Go to the command prompt and type,
java -version
If it is already installed will display the version below.(fig 01)
Or else you have to install java first.
Here I’m using the Windows platform. So I’m downloading java for windows.
- Java for Windows /Linux
Configure java path
- Right-click on MyComputer → Go to properties → Go to Advanced system settings. (fig 02)
2. Click on Environment Variables
Select the path variable and click on edit.
Then add the variable value to your jdk bin folder at the end of the path. (fig 03)
ex :
C:\Users\Praba\projects\drivers;C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm CommunityEdition2020.3.3\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.2\bin;
3. Make new System variables for Java. (fig 05)
System variable section → New → Give the variable name → Variable value → Ok
example :(fig 04)
Variable name: JAVA_HOME
Value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.2\bin
Point the variable into the jdk bin folder.
- JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK(Development kit), not a JRE(Java Run time Environment)
Step 02: Install Eclipse
Select the Download Packages.
Then you will land on a page which contains different package downloading options for Eclipse. Select the required download option according to your OS and the system type from the “Eclipse IDE for Java Developers” section shown below. (fig 07)
Then it will navigate you to the download page as below.(fig 08) Select the zip file and it will download to your machine. (fig 09)
After completing the download go to your downloads and move your downloaded eclipse zip file to any required folder you want and extract the zip file. Then go into the extracted folder. Double-click on eclips.exe to launch.(fig 10)
Then it will ask for a specific directory to use as the eclipse workspace.(fig 11)
You can change your desired workspace here and press launch.Work space will create according to the locations you have given.See below my workspace in my C:\Users\Praba\eclipse-workspace.(fig 12)
Then the eclipse welcome page will appear as below.You can explore the eclipse with overview , tutorials, samples and etc.(fig 13)
Step 03: Create a Java Project in Eclipse
- Go to the package explorer → Create Java project(fig 14) or go to the File → New →Java Project (fig 15)
Then the new Java Project window will appear.Give a name for your project and press Finish.(fig 16)
Then your first java project created as below.(fig 17)
Step 04 : Add Selenium JARs to the project
To download the selenium JARs go to
Get the latest stable version of selenium.
Or else you can only download the selenium client and webdriver bindings.
To add the jars to the project go to your project → Rightclick on your project → Build Path → Configure Build Path
Then the properties for your java project will appear.In there Select Java build path’s Libraries section → Classpath → Add External JARs → Select the Selenium Jars → Apply and Close.(fig 22)
Go to your project and see the JARs added successfully under the reference lib section.
Step 05 : First Selenium Java code to land on a web page
Right click on the project → New → Class
Give a name for your class → tick public static void main(String[] args) to make your class the main class.
Then the main testCaseOne class appear as below.(fig 25)
STEP 06 : Add Geko Web Driver (GekoDriver — Mozzila firefox)
GeckoDriver is a link between Selenium tests and the Firefox browser.
For Mozilla Firefox till version 47, we never needed GeckoDriver. But Mozilla Firefox after version 47, comes with Marionette, which is an automation driver for Mozilla.
- Download Gekodriver for your computer.
- Restore the .exe file in the GekoDriver package
If you want to download Chrome Driver instead of Geko driver go to the Selenium dev site.
Lets start to code .
Here I have set the system property key-value pair to key as geko driver and the value to the path to where the geko driver exe located in the project.
Then created a Firefoxdriver new object and as it to get the required URL. Then maximize the window.
To run the class right click on the class → Run As → Java Application.
Then the automated browser will appear as below. You can note that the browser is under remote control. (reason marionette)
Maven is by default in eclipse preference. To see go to Windows → Preferences
Creating Maven Project
What is Maven?
Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool based on a Project Object Model (POM) concept. Maven can
- manage a project’s build
- reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.
Go to eclipse → New → Project → Maven Project → Next
Go next and fill required field below and press finish.
Then you can see the well structured handy project created as shown in fig 32 below.
pom.xml File
pom. xml is an XML file located in the root directory of your project. The pom.xml file contains
- information about the project
- packages we used in the project
- and various configuration detail used by Maven to build the project
To add selenium dependencies go to the selenium download page → Maven Information → MVNRepository.
It will redirect you to
Select Selenium Java.
Select stable version and copy the code as shown as below.
Go to your pom.xml file in the project and add a dependencies tag. Inside the dependencies, tag adds the new dependency you have copied. (fig 37)
Once you save the pom.xml file the maven dependencies are added to the local automatically from the central repository.
Go to your Project → Src/test/java → Crate new main class very similar as shown in the example above. Then add the piece of code below to automate the browser.
Right-click on the class and run it as a java application. Then you will see the automated browser landing on the site and automatically search for apple watches as per our piece of code in the
Manage browser drivers -Webdrivermanager
In our we provide the path to the browser driver exe. This is not much practicable when we working on a project. So Webdrivermanager will make it easy and automate manual downloads and locating on your locals and much more.
- It verifies the version of the browser(eg chrome, firefox, Edge, etc.)
- If it is unknown then it automatically uses the latest version of the driver(chromedriver, geckodriver, etc.)
- It downloads the webdriver binary if it is not available in the cache.
- It will export proper webdriver java environment variables required for selenium.
For further studies go to,
Steps to add Wedrivermanager to your project
- Go to
2. Select the latest and most stable version of the webdrivermanager . Copy the code.
3. Go to your pom.xml.Place your copied codes within the dependencies tags and save.
4. Go to your test case and remove your code part of System.setProerty .
5. Save and run it as a java application. You will see the same outcome as before.
A most common error you might face
- Project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved eclipse
This is the most common error you will get into. This is actually due to jre version mismatch. To correct it go to yours go to ,
Package Explorer → Right Click → Build Path → Configure Build Path → Libraries
Check whether the version of the jre library is correct.
If not Delete the appeared library in the window and then press
Add Library → JRE System Library → Environments → <Select your required library> → Finish.
So hope you understand the environment setup clearly. Stay connected for upcoming tech stories!