Oracle Certified Java Foundation Associate — 1Z0–811 — Exam Topic Discussion

42 min readMar 24, 2024

1. What Is Java?

1.1. Describe the features of Java

Java is a versatile and widely-used programming language that has evolved over the years.

  1. Simple and Easy to Learn:

Java was designed to be beginner-friendly and has a syntax that is similar to other C-based languages like C++ and C#. It avoids complex features, such as explicit pointers and operator overloading, making it easier for developers to learn and use.

2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

Java is a fully object-oriented programming language, supporting principles such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. This allows for the creation of modular and reusable code.

3. Platform Independence (Write Once, Run Anywhere — WORA):

Java programs are compiled into an intermediate form called bytecode, which can be executed on any device with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This platform independence is a key feature, enabling Java applications to run on various platforms without modification.

4. Automatic Memory Management (Garbage Collection):

Java incorporates automatic memory management through a garbage collector. This helps developers avoid manual memory management and reduces the risk of memory leaks.

5. Multithreading:

Java provides built-in support for multithreading, allowing concurrent execution of multiple threads within the same program. This feature is particularly useful for developing scalable and responsive applications.

6. Rich Standard Library:

Java comes with a comprehensive standard library (Java API) that provides a wide range of pre-built classes and methods for various tasks, from data structures and networking to file handling and graphical user interface (GUI) development.

7. Security:

Java has built-in security features to protect against potential threats, such as viruses and malware. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) includes a security manager and supports features like sandboxing for applets.

8. Distributed Computing (RMI, Networking):

Java supports distributed computing through features like Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and networking libraries, making it suitable for building scalable and distributed systems.

9. Dynamic and Extensible:

Java supports dynamic loading of classes and extensibility through interfaces and abstract classes. This allows for flexible and modular code design.

10. Community Support:

Java has a large and active developer community, contributing to numerous open-source projects, frameworks, and libraries. This support enhances the ecosystem and facilitates collaboration among developers.

11.Robust Exception Handling:

Java has a robust exception-handling mechanism that helps manage runtime errors and allows developers to write more reliable and fault-tolerant code.

12. Annotations (Metadata):

Java supports annotations, which allow developers to embed metadata within the source code. Annotations are widely used in frameworks like Spring for configuration and customization.

These features contribute to Java’s popularity and widespread use in a variety of domains, including web development, enterprise applications, mobile app development (Android), and more.

1.2 Describe the real-world applications of Java

  1. Web Development:
  • Enterprise-level Web Applications: Java, particularly through frameworks like Spring and Java EE (Enterprise Edition), is widely used for developing large-scale, enterprise-level web applications.
  • Servlets and JSP: Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) are used to build dynamic web pages and handle server-side processing.

2. Mobile Applications (Android Development):

  • Android Apps: Java is the primary language for Android app development. Android Studio, the official IDE for Android development, supports Java alongside Kotlin.

3. Enterprise Applications:

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: Java is often used to build robust and scalable ERP systems that handle various business processes.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Java is utilized in building CRM applications that manage interactions with customers.

4. Desktop Applications:

  • Swing and JavaFX: Java provides GUI libraries like Swing and JavaFX for developing cross-platform desktop applications with rich user interfaces.

5. Scientific and Research Applications:

  • Scientific Computing: Java is used in scientific research applications due to its portability and ability to handle complex computations.
  • Data Analysis and Visualization: Java is employed in applications for data analysis and visualization, especially in fields like bioinformatics and geospatial analysis.

6. Middleware Products:

  • Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM): Java is used in developing middleware products like Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, and ActiveMQ, which facilitate communication between distributed systems.

7. Cloud Computing:

  • Cloud Infrastructure and Services: Java is used in various cloud platforms and services. Many cloud-based applications, especially those deployed on platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP), are written in Java.

8. Big Data Technologies:

  • Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark: Java is used in big data processing frameworks like Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, enabling the efficient processing of large datasets.

9. Financial Services:

  • Banking Systems: Java is widely used in developing banking systems, including online banking and financial transaction processing systems.
  • Risk Management Systems: Java is employed in developing risk analysis and management applications in the financial sector.

10. Internet of Things (IoT):

  • Embedded Systems: Java is used in developing applications for IoT devices, providing a platform-independent language for embedded systems.

11. Game Development:

  • Mobile and Web Games: Java is used in game development, particularly for mobile and web-based games. Libraries like LibGDX support cross-platform game development.

12. Educational Applications:

  • Learning Platforms: Java is used in educational software and learning management systems due to its ease of use and platform independence.

Java’s versatility, performance, and robustness make it suitable for a wide range of applications, contributing to its enduring popularity in the software development landscape.

2. Java Basics

2.1. Describe the Java Development Kit (JDK) and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

2.2. Describe the components of object-oriented programming

2.3. Describe the components of a basic Java program

A basic Java program consists of several components that work together to perform a specific task. Here are the key components of a basic Java program:

Package Declaration:

  • A package is a way to organize related classes into a single namespace. The package statement is optional but if used, it must be the first statement in a Java file.

Import Statements:

  • The import statement is used to bring in classes from other packages so that they can be used in the current program

Class Declaration:

  • The class keyword is used to declare a class. A Java program must have at least one class, and the name of the class must match the name of the file.

Main Method:

  • The main method is the entry point of a Java program. It is where the program starts executing. The public static void main(String[] args) method signature is the standard format.

Statements and Expressions:

  • Inside the main method, you write statements and expressions that define the logic of your program. Statements can include variable declarations, method calls, loops, conditionals, and other control flow structures.


  • Comments are used to provide additional information about the code. They are ignored by the compiler.


  • Variables are used to store and manipulate data in a program. They must be declared with a specific type before use.

Data Types:

  • Java has various data types, such as int, double, boolean, and more, that define the type of data a variable can hold.


  • Methods are blocks of code that perform a specific task. They can be called from the main method or other methods.

Console Output:

  • The System.out.println statement is commonly used to print output to the console.

Input Handling (Optional):

  • Java provides classes like Scanner for reading input from the console or other sources.

Full example :

2.4. Compile and execute a Java program


  1. Write Your Java Code:
  • Use a text editor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to write your Java code. Save the file with a .java extension.

2. Open a Terminal or Command Prompt and navigate to the Directory Containing Your Java File.

ex : cd path/to/your/java/file

3. Compile the Java Code.

ex : javac

Execute :

Run the Compiled Program.

ex : java HelloWorld

3. Basic Java Elements

3.1. Identify the conventions to be followed in a Java program

In Java programming, there are several conventions and best practices that developers typically follow to write clean, readable, and maintainable code. Adhering to these conventions makes the code more consistent and helps improve collaboration among developers. Here are some key conventions to be followed in a Java program:

  1. Package Names: Use lowercase letters for package names to maintain consistency and improve readability. For example: com.example.myproject.

2. Class Names: Use CamelCase for class names. Start each word with an uppercase letter. For example: MyClass, PersonDetails, etc.

3. Method Names: Use camelCase for method names. Start with a lowercase letter and capitalize the first letter of each subsequent concatenated word. For example: calculateArea(), getUserInfo(), etc.

4. Variable Names: Use camelCase for variable names. Start with a lowercase letter and capitalize the first letter of each subsequent concatenated word. For example: totalAmount, userName, etc.

5. Constants: Use uppercase letters with underscores to separate words for constants. For example: MAX_VALUE, PI_VALUE, etc.

6. Indentation: Use consistent indentation to make the code structure visually clear. The standard is often four spaces per indentation level.

7. Braces (Curly Braces): Place opening braces { on the same line as the statement and closing braces } on a new line.

8. Line Length: Keep lines of code reasonably short (commonly 80–120 characters) to enhance readability.

9. Comments: Use comments to explain complex parts of the code, especially if the logic might not be immediately apparent. Follow a consistent commenting style.

10. Javadoc: Use Javadoc comments for documenting classes and methods. This helps generate documentation automatically and improves code understanding.

11. Naming Conventions for Boolean Variables: Use names that suggest a boolean meaning, such as isDone, hasValue, etc.

12. Whitespace: Use whitespace judiciously to enhance readability. Add spaces around operators and after commas.

13. Enum Types: Use uppercase letters for enum type names and constants within the enum.

14. Class File Organization: Organize your class files in a clear and logical manner. Group related classes together.

15. Exception Handling: Follow consistent exception handling practices. Use meaningful exception names and provide helpful error messages.

16. Avoid Magic Numbers: Avoid using magic numbers (hardcoded numerical constants) in your code. Use named constants or variables with meaningful names.

17. Avoid Unnecessary Code: Remove unnecessary code and imports. Keep your codebase clean and focused.

Adhering to these conventions helps create code that is more readable, maintainable, and consistent, making it easier for both the original developer and other team members to understand and work with the codebase. It also aligns with Java’s coding standards and community practices.

3.2. Use Java reserved words

In Java, reserved words, also known as keywords, are words that have predefined meanings and cannot be used as identifiers (e.g., variable names, class names, method names) within the program. These reserved words are part of the Java language specification and serve specific purposes in the language syntax, structure, and functionality. Here are some important Java reserved words:

  1. Primitive Data Types:
  • boolean: Represents a boolean value (true or false).
  • byte: Represents an 8-bit signed integer.
  • short: Represents a 16-bit signed integer.
  • int: Represents a 32-bit signed integer.
  • long: Represents a 64-bit signed integer.
  • float: Represents a 32-bit floating-point number.
  • double: Represents a 64-bit floating-point number.
  • char: Represents a 16-bit Unicode character.

2. Control Flow Statements:

  • if: Introduces a conditional statement.
  • else: Part of the conditional statement for the "false" branch.
  • switch: Introduces a switch statement for multiple branches based on a value.
  • case: Defines a branch in a switch statement.
  • default: Defines the default branch in a switch statement.
  • while: Introduces a while loop.
  • do: Introduces a do-while loop.
  • for: Introduces a for loop.
  • break: Exits a loop or switch statement.
  • continue: Skips the rest of the current iteration and continues with the next one.
  • return: Exits a method and optionally returns a value.
  • throw: Throws an exception.
  • try: Introduces a try block for exception handling.
  • catch: Defines a catch block for handling exceptions.
  • finally: Defines a block of code to be executed after a try/catch block, regardless of whether an exception is thrown.

3. Modifiers:

  • public: Specifies that a class, method, or field can be accessed from anywhere.
  • private: Specifies that a class, method, or field can only be accessed within its own class.
  • protected: Specifies that a method or field can only be accessed within its own package or by subclasses.
  • static: Specifies that a method or field belongs to the class rather than an instance of the class.
  • final: Specifies that a variable, method, or class cannot be further modified or extended.
  • abstract: Specifies that a class or method is abstract and cannot be instantiated or must be implemented by subclasses.
  • native: Specifies that a method is implemented in native code (not in Java) using JNI (Java Native Interface).
  • synchronized: Specifies that a method can be accessed by only one thread at a time.
  • transient: Specifies that a variable should not be serialized during object serialization.
  • volatile: Specifies that a variable may be modified by multiple threads.

4. Class and Object Declarations:

  • class: Declares a class.
  • interface: Declares an interface.
  • extends: Specifies the superclass or interface that a class or interface extends.
  • implements: Specifies the interfaces that a class implements.
  • this: Refers to the current instance of an object.
  • super: Refers to the superclass of a class.

5. Packages:

  • package: Declares a package.
  • import: Imports classes, interfaces, or packages.

6. Miscellaneous:

  • new: Creates a new instance of a class.
  • instanceof: Tests whether an object is an instance of a specific class or interface.

These reserved words play a crucial role in defining the structure and behavior of Java programs. They are an integral part of the Java language syntax, and using them correctly is essential for writing valid and functional Java code.

3.3. Use single-line and multi-line comments in Java programs

In Java, comments are used to provide explanatory notes within the code. Comments are ignored by the Java compiler and do not affect the execution of the program. They serve as a form of documentation and help improve the readability and understanding of the code. Java supports both single-line and multi-line comments.

Single-Line Comments:

Single-line comments are used to annotate a single line of code. Anything following // on a line is treated as a comment and is ignored by the compiler.

example :

In the example above, both comments after the // are single-line comments. They provide additional information about the code on the same line.

Multi-Line Comments:

Multi-line comments are used to annotate multiple lines of code. Anything between /* and */ is treated as a comment block, and all content within the block is ignored by the compiler.

In the example above, the content between /* and */ is a multi-line comment. This comment block provides more extensive explanations about the code within the block.

Best Practices for Comments:

  1. Be Clear and Concise: Comments should be clear and concise, providing just enough information to aid understanding without being overly verbose.

2. Update Comments: Keep comments up-to-date. If the code changes, update the associated comments to reflect the current state of the code.

3. Avoid Redundant Comments: Avoid comments that merely restate the obvious. Focus on providing insights that are not immediately apparent from the code itself.

4. Use Javadoc for Documentation: For documenting classes, methods, and fields, consider using Javadoc comments. Javadoc comments start with /** and support additional documentation tags.

3.4. Import other Java packages to make them accessible in your code

In Java, the import statement is used to make classes or entire packages from other Java packages accessible in your code. This is especially useful when you want to use classes or functionalities from external libraries or packages. The import statement informs the compiler about the location of the classes you want to use.

Importing a Specific Class:

In this example, packageName is the name of the package containing the ClassName you want to use. By importing packageName.ClassName, you can refer to ClassName directly in your code without specifying the full package path each time.

Importing All Classes from a Package:

Here, the * wildcard is used to import all classes from the specified package (packageName). This allows you to use any class from that package without explicitly importing each class.

Importing Static Members:

If a class has static methods or fields that you want to use without qualifying them with the class name, you can use the import static statement.

Common Java Packages:

  • java.lang: Imported by default. It contains fundamental classes like String, Object, etc.
  • java.util: Provides utility classes and data structures like ArrayList, HashMap, etc.
  • Contains classes for input and output operations.
  • Provides classes for networking operations.

In this example, ArrayList and HashMap are used from the java.util package.

When importing classes, it’s essential to know the correct package names and class names. Documentation and the official Java API are valuable resources for finding the necessary information about classes and their packages.

3.5. Describe the java.lang package

The java.lang package is a fundamental package in the Java Standard Library. Unlike other packages, the classes in java.lang are automatically imported into every Java program by default. This package contains fundamental classes and data types that are used in most Java programs.

  1. Object Class:

The Object class is the root class for all Java classes. Every class in Java is a subclass of Object, either directly or indirectly. It provides essential methods such as toString(), equals(), and hashCode().

2. Primitive Data Types:

  • The java.lang package includes classes representing primitive data types, such as Integer, Double, Boolean, etc. These classes provide utility methods for converting between primitive types and objects.

3. String Class:

  • The String class in java.lang represents a sequence of characters. It is widely used for manipulating and working with textual data.

4. Math Class:

  • The Math class provides a set of static methods for mathematical operations. It includes methods for basic arithmetic, exponentiation, logarithms, trigonometry, and more.

5. System Class:

  • The System class provides access to the system resources, including standard input, standard output, and error output. It also has methods for managing the garbage collector and obtaining information about the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

6. Thread Class:

  • The Thread class is part of the core Java concurrency model. It provides methods for creating and managing threads, as well as coordinating their execution.

7. Exception Classes:

  • The java.lang package includes fundamental exception classes, such as RuntimeException and Exception, which serve as the base classes for all exceptions. It also includes the Error class for representing serious errors.

8. ClassLoader Class:

The ClassLoader class is responsible for loading classes into the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is an integral part of the Java class-loading mechanism.

9. Runtime Class:

The Runtime class provides information about the runtime environment and allows the application to interface with the Java Virtual Machine.

4. Working with Java Data Types

4.1.Declare and initialize variables including a variable using final

In Java, you declare and initialize variables using a specific syntax. Variables are containers for storing data, and their type determines the kind of data they can hold. Additionally, you can use the final keyword to create constants or make a variable immutable once it has been assigned a value.

Declare and Initialize Variables:

To declare and initialize a variable, you specify the data type followed by the variable name and, optionally, an initial value. Here are some examples:

Declare and Initialize Variables Without Initialization:

You can declare a variable without providing an initial value, but you must assign a value before attempting to use the variable. For example:

Declare and Initialize final Variables:

The final keyword in Java is used to declare a constant or to indicate that a variable's value cannot be changed once it has been assigned. You can initialize a final variable at the time of declaration or in a constructor if it's an instance variable.

In these examples, PI_VALUE is a final variable that cannot be modified after its initial assignment. Similarly, MAX_VALUE is a final variable in a class, making it a constant that can be accessed using the class name (Constants.MAX_VALUE).

4.2. Cast a value from one data type to another including automatic and manual promotion

In Java, casting refers to the process of converting a value from one data type to another. Casting can be divided into two categories: automatic (implicit) casting and manual (explicit) casting. These mechanisms are used to handle data type conversions in a program.

Automatic (Implicit) Casting/ Widening Casting:

Automatic casting occurs when the conversion from one data type to another is performed by the compiler itself, and it’s considered safe because it is performed implicitly without any explicit instruction.

  • byte -> short -> char -> int -> long -> float -> double

For example, consider converting a smaller data type to a larger data type:

In this example, the int value intValue is automatically cast to a double when assigned to the doubleValue variable. This is safe because there is no loss of precision.

Manual (Explicit) Casting:

Manual casting is performed explicitly by the programmer when converting from a larger data type to a smaller data type, which may result in a loss of precision. To manually cast, you use parentheses along with the target data type.

  • double -> float -> long -> int -> char -> short -> byte

For example, consider converting a larger data type (double) to a smaller data type (int):

n this example, the double value doubleValue is manually cast to an int using (int). Keep in mind that manual casting may result in loss of fractional parts, and the result is truncated.

Automatic and Manual Promotion:

Automatic and manual promotion are terms used when working with mixed data types, particularly in arithmetic operations. Automatic promotion occurs when the operands of an operation have different data types, and the compiler automatically promotes the smaller data type to the larger data type.

In this example, the intValue is automatically promoted to a double before the addition operation.

On the other hand, manual promotion involves explicitly casting one or more operands to a common data type before performing an operation.

4.3. Declare and initialize a String variable

In Java, a String is a class that represents a sequence of characters. To declare and initialize a String variable, you can use the following syntax:

In this course, will discuss the string futher in upcoming topics.

5. Operator precedence and use of parenthesis

Operator precedence in Java determines the order in which different operators are evaluated in an expression. The precedence rules ensure that expressions are evaluated correctly. Operators with higher precedence are evaluated before those with lower precedence. Parentheses can be used to override the default precedence and explicitly control the order of evaluation.

Operator precedence in Java determines the order in which different operators are evaluated in an expression. The precedence rules ensure that expressions are evaluated correctly. Operators with higher precedence are evaluated before those with lower precedence. Parentheses can be used to override the default precedence and explicitly control the order of evaluation.

Here’s a brief overview of operator precedence in Java:

  1. Postfix operators (e.g., expr++, expr--): Highest precedence
  2. Unary operators (e.g., ++expr, --expr, +expr, -expr, !expr, ~expr):
  3. Multiplicative operators (e.g., *, /, %):
  4. Additive operators (e.g., +, -):
  5. Shift operators (e.g., <<, >>, >>>):
  6. Relational operators (e.g., <, >, <=, >=, `instanceof):
  7. Equality operators (e.g., ==, `!=):
  8. Bitwise AND (&):
  9. Bitwise XOR (^):
  10. Bitwise OR (|):
  11. Logical AND (&&):
  12. Logical OR (||):
  13. Conditional (Ternary) operator (? :):
  14. Assignment operators (e.g., =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=): Lowest precedence

ex :

int result = a + b * c;

In herehe multiplication (*) has higher precedence than addition (+), so b * c is evaluated first.

int result = (a + b) * c;

In this example, (a + b) is evaluated first because it is enclosed in parentheses, and then the result is multiplied by c. The use of parentheses makes the intent clear and avoids relying solely on operator precedence.

Postfix operators

  • Increment Operator (++):

The increment operator (++) adds 1 to the current value of a variable.


  • Decrement Operator (--):

The decrement operator (--) subtracts 1 from the current value of a variable.

  • Prefix and Postfix Notation:

Postfix Notation (x++ or y--): The current value of the variable is used, and then the variable is incremented or decremented.

Prefix Notation (++x or --y): The variable is incremented or decremented first, and then the updated value is used.

tilde (~)

In Java, the tilde (~) operator is a bitwise complement operator. When applied to an operand, it performs a bitwise inversion, flipping each bit of the operand from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0.

  • The binary representation of 42 is 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 1010.
  • Applying the bitwise complement (~) operation inverts each bit, resulting in 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1101 0101.
  • The resulting decimal value is -43.

Unary Plus (+expr):

  • The unary plus operator (+) is used to indicate the positive value of the operand. It doesn't actually change the sign of the operand; it's mainly used for clarity or when dealing with expressions.

Unary Minus (-expr):

  • The unary minus operator (-) negates the value of the operand. It changes the sign of the operand to its opposite.
  • Logical NOT (!expr):

The logical NOT operator (!) is used to perform logical negation. It flips the logical value of a boolean expression. If the expression is true, it becomes false, and if it's false, it becomes true.

Shift Operators

Shift operators in Java are used to perform bitwise shifting on integer values.

Left Shift (<<):

The left shift operator (<<) shifts the bits of a number to the left by a specified number of positions. It effectively multiplies the number by 2 raised to the power of the specified shift amount.

  • The binary representation of 5 is 0000 0101.
  • Left shifting it by 2 positions gives 0001 0100, which is 20 in decimal.

Right Shift (>>):

The right shift operator (>>) shifts the bits of a number to the right by a specified number of positions. It effectively divides the number by 2 raised to the power of the specified shift amount.

  • The binary representation of 16 is 0001 0000.
  • Right shifting it by 2 positions gives 0000 0100, which is 4 in decimal.

Unsigned Right Shift (>>>):

The unsigned right shift operator (>>>) is similar to the right shift operator (>>), but it fills the vacant positions with zeros regardless of the sign bit.

  • The binary representation of -16 is 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 (using two's complement).
  • Unsigned right shifting it by 2 positions gives 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100, which is 1073741820 in decimal.

Bitwise AND operator (&)

It compares each bit of the first operand with the corresponding bit of the second operand and produces a new integer where each bit of the result is the logical AND of the corresponding bits in the operands.

  • operand1 in binary is 1100.
  • operand2 in binary is 11001.
  • The bitwise AND operation is performed on each pair of corresponding bits:

truth table

Bitwise XOR (^)

The XOR operation results in a new integer where each bit of the result is the exclusive OR of the corresponding bits in the operands.

  • operand1 in binary is 1100.
  • operand2 in binary is 11001.
  • The bitwise XOR operation is performed on each pair of corresponding bits:

Truth table :

Bitwise OR operator ( | )

The bitwise OR operator (|) in Java performs a bitwise OR operation on the corresponding bits of two integer operands. The OR operation results in a new integer where each bit of the result is the logical OR of the corresponding bits in the operands.

  • operand1 in binary is 1100.
  • operand2 in binary is 11001.
  • The bitwise OR operation is performed on each pair of corresponding bits:

Truth table :

Ternary conditional operator ‘ ? ‘

In Java, the ? symbol is part of the ternary conditional operator, also known as the ternary operator or the conditional operator. It provides a concise way to express a conditional statement and is often used as a shorthand for an if-else statement.

condition ? expression_if_true : expression_if_false;

6. Working with the String Class

  • Develop code that uses methods from the String class
  • Format Strings using escape sequences including %d, %n, and %s

Formatting Integers (%d):

In this example, %d is a format specifier for integers. The %d will be replaced by the value of the number variable when the string is formatted.

Formatting Strings (%s):

In this example, %s is a format specifier for strings. The %s will be replaced by the value of the name variable when the string is formatted.

Newline Character (%n):

In this example, %n is used to represent a newline character. This can be useful for creating multiline strings.

Combining Multiple Format Specifiers:


7. Working with the Random and Math Classes

Math Class

‘java.lang.Math’ is a built-in class in Java that provides methods for various mathematical operations.

example :

Addition — addExact()

Subtraction — subtractExact()

Multiplication — multiplyExact()

Square root — sqrt()

Power operations — pow()





Random class

java.util.Random class in Java is part of the Java Standard Library and is used to generate pseudorandom numbers. It provides a mechanism to generate random numbers using a seed value. Pseudorandom numbers are not truly random because they are generated by an algorithm, but they can be unpredictable enough for many applications.

Initialization with a Seed:

seed is a value used to initialize the internal state of the pseudorandom number generator (PRNG).The internal state is crucial for generating a sequence of pseudorandom numbers.In other words internal state is crucial for generating a sequence of pseudorandom numbers.

  1. Default Seed: When you create a Random object without explicitly specifying a seed, it uses the current system time in milliseconds as the default seed.

2. Specifying Seed Explicitly: You can also provide a specific seed value when creating a Random object. If you use the same seed in different runs of your program, you'll get the same sequence of pseudorandom numbers.

3. Reproducibility: Setting the seed explicitly is useful when you want to reproduce a specific sequence of random numbers. For example, in testing or debugging scenarios where you need to ensure the same behavior each time the program runs.

example. :

If you need a more secure source of randomness, especially for cryptographic purposes, consider using The SecureRandom class is designed to provide a cryptographically secure random number generation and is not based on a predictable algorithm like the standard Random class.

8. Using Decision Statements

8.1. Use the decision making statement (if-then and if-then-else)

if-then Statement:

The if-then statement is used when you want to execute a block of code only if a specified condition is true.

example :

if-then-else Statement:

The if-then-else statement is used when you want to execute one block of code if a condition is true and another block if the condition is false.

example :

8.2. Switch statement

In Java, the switch statement is a decision-making construct that provides an alternative way to express multiple conditional branches based on the value of an expression. It is particularly useful when you have a variable or an expression with discrete, distinct values and you want to execute different code blocks for each possible value.

Example :

The expression is evaluated once, and its value is compared with the values in each case.

  • If a match is found, the corresponding code block is executed.
  • The break statement is used to exit the switch statement. If a break statement is not present, the control will fall through to the next case (which can sometimes be intentional).
  • The default case is optional and is executed if none of the case values match the expression.

8.3. Compare how == differs between primitives and objects

In Java, the == operator behaves differently when used with primitives and objects. Let's discuss the differences:

- Primitives

  1. Equality Check:
  • For primitive data types (such as int, double, char, etc.), == checks for the equality of values.In this example, a == b evaluates to true because both variables have the same value.

Comparing Value:

  • Primitives store actual values, and == compares these values directly.Here, x == y evaluates to true because both variables have the value 'A'.

- Objects:

  1. Reference Check:
  • For objects, including instances of classes, == checks for reference equality, not the equality of the contents.

In this example, str1 == str2 evaluates to false because new String("Hello") creates two different objects with distinct references.

2. Comparing Content:

  • To check if the content of two objects is equal, you should use the equals() method.

Here, str3.equals(str4) evaluates to true because the equals() method compares the content of the String objects.

8.4. Compare two String objects by using the compareTo and equals methods

9. Using Looping Statements

9.1. Describe looping statements

Looping statements in Java allow you to repeatedly execute a block of code as long as a certain condition is true or until a certain condition becomes true. There are three main types of looping statements in Java: for, while, and do-while.

9.2. Use a for loop including an enhanced for loop

Traditional for Loop:

The for loop is commonly used when the number of iterations is known before entering the loop.

  • Initialization: Executed only once at the beginning of the loop.
  • Condition: Checked before each iteration. If false, the loop exits.
  • Update: Executed after each iteration.

Enhanced for (for-each) Loop:

The enhanced for loop is particularly useful for iterating over elements of arrays or collections.

In this example, the loop iterates over each element in the numbers array, and num takes on the value of each element in each iteration.

  • The enhanced for loop works with arrays and Iterable collections. It simplifies the syntax and is often preferred for iterating over elements when the index is not needed.
  • For other scenarios or when you need more control over the loop structure, the traditional for loop is more suitable.

Both types of for loops are essential constructs in Java, and the choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your code.

9.3. Use a while loop

The while loop is used when the number of iterations is not known beforehand.Checked before each iteration.

Condition:If false, the loop exits.

9.4. Use a do- while loop

The do-while loop is similar to the while loop, but the condition is checked after each iteration. This guarantees that the loop body is executed at least once.

Condition: Checked after each iteration. If false, the loop exits.

9.5. Code that uses break and continue statements

  • continue: Skips the rest of the code in the loop and moves to the next iteration.
  • break: Exits the loop prematurely.

Looping statements are fundamental for controlling the flow of a program, and choosing the appropriate type of loop depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand.

9.6. Compare and contrast the for, while, and do-while loops

When we talk about the similarities ;

  • All three loops provide a way to repeatedly execute a block of code based on a certain condition.
  • Each loop type relies on a condition to determine whether to continue iterating or exit the loop.
  • All three loops can be controlled using statements like break and continue to alter the flow of the loop.

Tips :

  • Use for when the number of iterations is known.
  • Use while when the number of iterations is not known, and the loop condition is evaluated before entering the loop.
  • Use do-while when you want to guarantee the execution of the loop body at least once, and the loop condition is checked after the loop body.

10. Debugging and Exception Handling

10.1. Identify syntax and logic errors

Syntax Errors:

  • Syntax errors occur when the code violates the rules of the Java programming language.
  • These errors prevent the program from compiling.
  • Syntax errors are typically detected by the compiler during the compilation phase.
  • Missing semicolons at the end of statements, Mismatched parentheses or brackets, Incorrect keyword usage, etc..

Logic Errors:

  • Logic errors occur when the code does not behave as intended.
  • The program may compile and run, but it produces incorrect results.
  • Logic errors are more challenging to detect because the program will compile and run without error messages.
  • Debugging and testing are often used to identify logic errors.

10.2. Use exception handling

Exception handling is a mechanism in Java that allows you to gracefully manage runtime errors and abnormal conditions that may occur during the execution of a program. Exception handling in Java is based on the use of try, catch, throw, and finally blocks.

Use try and catch blocks

1. try Block:

  • The try block contains the code that might generate an exception.
  • It is followed by one or more catch blocks or a finally block.

2. catch Blocks:

  • The catch blocks are used to handle specific types of exceptions that might be thrown within the corresponding try block.
  • You can have multiple catch blocks to handle different types of exceptions.

3. finally Block:

  • The finally block contains code that is guaranteed to be executed, regardless of whether an exception occurs or not.
  • It is often used for cleanup operations, such as closing resources.

4. throw Statement:

  • The throw statement is used to explicitly throw an exception.
  • You can throw either built-in exceptions or create your own custom exceptions.

example :

10.3. Handle common exceptions thrown

Handling common exceptions in Java involves using try-catch blocks to manage and recover from specific types of exceptions. Here are some common exceptions and how you might handle them:

1. ArithmeticException:

  • Occurs when an arithmetic operation results in an overflow, underflow, or division by zero.

2. NullPointerException:

  • Occurs when you attempt to access an object or invoke a method on an object that is null.

3. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:

Occurs when trying to access an array element with an index that is outside the array bounds.

4. NumberFormatException:

Occurs when trying to convert a string to a numeric format, but the string does not represent a valid number.

5. IOException:

  • Represents a variety of input/output-related exceptions.

6. FileNotFoundException:

A specific type of IOException that occurs when trying to access a file that does not exist.

7. NumberFormatException:

Occurs when trying to convert a string to a numeric format, but the string does not represent a valid number.

8 . InterruptedException:

  • Occurs when a thread is interrupted while it is in a blocked state.

9. IllegalArgumentException:

  • Occurs when an illegal or inappropriate argument is passed to a method.

10. RuntimeException (Unchecked Exceptions):

  • A broad category of exceptions, such as NullPointerException and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, that do not need to be explicitly caught or declared in a method's throws clause.

When handling exceptions, it’s essential to catch specific exceptions based on the potential errors that might occur in your code. This helps you provide more meaningful error messages and implement appropriate recovery or error-handling mechanisms.

11. Arrays and ArrayLists

11.1. Use a one-dimensional array

In Java, a one-dimensional array is a collection of elements of the same data type arranged in a linear sequence. Each element in the array can be accessed by its index, starting from 0 for the first element. One-dimensional arrays are useful for storing and manipulating a list of values of the same type.

One-dimensional arrays are fundamental data structures in Java and are widely used in various applications for organizing and processing data.

In below code segment will show you how to create an integer array and then print the elements one by one by using a standard for loop and using by extended for loop.

11.2. Create and manipulate an ArrayList and 11.3. Traverse the elements of an ArrayList by using iterators and loops including the enhanced for loop

In Java, the ArrayList class is part of the java.util package and provides a dynamic array implementation. Unlike regular arrays, ArrayLists can dynamically grow or shrink in size during runtime.

  1. To use ArrayList, you need to import it:

2. create an ArrayList:

3. Adding elements by add() method :

4. Accessing the elements by their index using the get method:

5. Iterate over the elements:

6. Removing elements by index or value:

7. Check the size of the ArrayList using the size method:

example :

output :

11.4. Compare an array and an ArrayList

Arrays and ArrayLists are both used to store collections of elements in Java, but they have some key differences.

  1. size :
  • Arrays have a fixed size, which means you need to know the size at the time of declaration.
  • Once an array is created, its size cannot be changed.
  • ArrayLists can dynamically grow or shrink in size during runtime.
  • The size can be changed dynamically with methods like add and remove.

2. Primitives and Objects:

  • Arrays can store both primitive data types and objects.
  • ArrayLists can only store objects, not primitive data types. However, Java autoboxing allows you to use primitive types indirectly.

ex: Array


3. Direct Element Access:

  • Elements in an array are accessed using their index.

4. No Built-in Methods:

  • Arrays in Java do not have built-in methods for common operations like resizing or easily removing elements.
  • ArrayLists provide built-in methods for common operations like adding, removing, and searching for elements.


5. Performance:

  • Arrays generally have slightly better performance compared to ArrayLists because they are simpler and more lightweight.
  • ArrayLists have a bit more overhead compared to arrays due to the additional functionality they provide.

When to Use Each:


  • When the size is fixed or known at compile time.
  • When you need direct and fast access to elements by index.
  • When memory efficiency is critical.


  • When the size may change during runtime.
  • When you need built-in methods for common operations.
  • When flexibility in adding, removing, or modifying elements is important.

Both arrays and ArrayLists have their advantages, and the choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your program. ArrayLists are more flexible and convenient in many scenarios, but arrays are still useful in situations where a fixed size is sufficient or when performance is critical.

12. Classes and Constructors

12.1. Create a new class including a main method

  1. In your IDE, create a new Java class. Typically, you can find an option like “New Class” or “Create Java Class” in the menu. Give your class a meaningful name, and make sure to check the option for creating a main method if it's available.
  2. If you are using a simple text editor, create a new file with a .java extension and write the class code manually.
  3. Save the class file with the same name as your class but with a .java extension.
  4. If you’re using an IDE, it might automatically compile the code for you. If not, open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where your Java file is saved, and compile it using the javac command:

ex : javac

5. After compiling, run the Java program using the java command:

ex : java MyClass

This will execute the main method within your MyClass class, and you should see the output.

example :

12.2. Use the private modifier

In Java, the private modifier is an access modifier that can be applied to instance variables, methods, and inner classes. It restricts the access to the declared members only within the same class, making them inaccessible from outside the class.

  1. Private Instance Variables:

In this example, privateVariable is a private instance variable, and the setPrivateVariable and getPrivateVariable methods are used to modify and access the variable, respectively. These methods act as a controlled interface for interacting with the private variable.

2. Private Methods:

Here, privateMethod is a private method that can only be called from within the same class. It's used internally by the publicMethod.

3. Private Inner Classes:

Inner classes can also be marked as private, restricting their visibility to only the outer class.

Benefits of Using private:

  1. Encapsulation:
  • private helps in encapsulating the implementation details of a class by hiding its internal state and implementation.

2. Controlled Access:

  • By making certain members private, you have control over how they are accessed and modified. This prevents external classes from directly manipulating internal state.

3. Security:

  • It improves the security of the code by preventing unauthorized access and modification.

4. Flexibility:

  • It provides flexibility to change the internal implementation of a class without affecting the classes that use it.

5. Access Outside the class :

The private members of a class are not accessible outside the class, including subclasses. If you need to allow access to certain members for subclasses, you can use the protected modifier.

The private modifier is crucial for encapsulation and maintaining the integrity of a class by controlling access to its members. It is a key principle in object-oriented programming that promotes data hiding and modularity.

12.3. Describe the relationship between an object and its members

In Java, the relationship between an object and its members refers to how an object encapsulates its state and behavior through the definition of fields (also known as members or attributes) and methods.


  • An object is an instance of a class in Java.
  • It is a runtime entity that represents a real-world entity with properties and behaviors.
  • Objects are created based on the blueprint provided by the class.

Members (Attributes/Fields):

  • Members are the data fields or attributes of a class that represent the state of an object.
  • They define the properties of an object.
  • Members are typically private to ensure encapsulation, and their values are accessed and modified through methods (getters and setters).

12.4. Describe the difference between a class variable, an instance variable, and a local variable.

In Java, like in many object-oriented programming languages, class variables, instance variables, and local variables have distinct characteristics.

Class Variable:

  • Declaration: A class variable is declared using the static keyword within a class but outside of any method.
  • Scope: It is associated with the class itself rather than with instances of the class.
  • Access: Class variables are accessed using the class name and can be modified using the class name or through an instance of the class.
  • Lifetime: It exists as long as the class is loaded in the memory.

Instance Variable:

  • Declaration: An instance variable is declared without the static keyword, typically within a class but outside of any method, and it is associated with instances of the class.
  • Scope: It is specific to each instance (object) of the class.
  • Access: Instance variables are accessed using the instance of the class (object).
  • Lifetime: It exists as long as the instance of the class exists.

Local Variable:

  • Declaration: Local variables are declared within a method, constructor, or block of code.
  • Scope: They are limited to the block where they are declared. They are not accessible outside that block.
  • Access: Limited to the method, constructor, or block in which they are declared.
  • Lifetime: They exist only as long as the method, constructor, or block is executing.

In summery class variables provide a shared state among all instances, instance variables store state specific to each object, and local variables are temporary and local to a specific block of code.

12.5. Develop code that creates an object’s default constructor and modifies the object’s fields.

In Java, when you create a class, a default constructor is provided by the compiler if you don’t explicitly define one.

The default constructor initializes the object with default values for its fields. If you want to modify the object’s fields after creating an instance, you can do so by providing setter methods or modifying the fields directly if they are accessible.

example :

code explain :

  • The MyCars class has two fields: stringValue.
  • The default constructor initializes these fields with default values ( "Default" for stringValue).
  • The modifyFields method allows you to change the values of the object's fields.
  • The displayState method is used to display the current state of the object.
  • In the main method, an object of MyCars is created using the default constructor, and its initial and modified states are displayed.

You can customize this code according to your specific requirements and add more fields or methods as needed.

12.6. Use constructors with and without parameters.

Constructors With Parameters (Parameterized Constructors):

Constructors with parameters allow you to initialize the object with specific values at the time of creation. You define these constructors with parameters in the class, and they are invoked when you create an object with the new keyword.

In this example, the MyClass class has a parameterized constructor that takes two parameters (intValue and stringValue). When you create an object of MyClass using new MyClass(42, "Hello"), it calls this parameterized constructor, initializing intValue with 42 and stringValue with "Hello".

Constructors Without Parameters (Default Constructors):

A default constructor is automatically provided by the Java compiler if you don’t explicitly define any constructor in your class. This constructor has no parameters and is responsible for initializing the object with default values.

In this example, the MyClass class has a default constructor that initializes intValue with 0 and stringValue with "Default". When you create an object of MyClass using new MyClass(), it calls this default constructor.

12.7. Develop code that overloads constructors

In Java, constructor overloading allows you to define multiple constructors in a class, each with a different set of parameters. This enables you to create objects in various ways by providing different input values during object creation.

  • The MyCar class has four constructors: a default constructor, an int parameterized constructor, a string parameterized constructor, and a constructor that takes both int and string parameters.
  • Each constructor initializes the object’s fields based on the provided parameters.
  • The displayState method is used to display the state of the object.

In the main method, four objects are created using different constructors, demonstrating how constructor overloading allows you to create objects with different initial states based on the provided parameters.

13. Java Methods

13.1. Describe and create a method

A method is a block of code within a class that performs a specific task. Methods are used to organize code, improve reusability, and facilitate modular programming. Methods can be classified into two main types: instance methods and static methods.

  • displayMessage is an instance method that doesn't take any parameters. It simply prints a message when called.
  • addNumbers is a static method that takes two integer parameters (num1 and num2) and returns their sum.

To create a method:

  1. Specify the access modifier (e.g., public, private, protected, or default package-private).
  2. Specify the return type (or use void if the method doesn't return any value).
  3. Provide the method name.
  4. If applicable, specify the parameters within parentheses.
  5. Write the method body, enclosed in curly braces {}.

In the main method, an object of the class is created to call the instance method, and the static method is called directly.

When you run this program, it will display the message from the instance method and the sum of two numbers from the static method.

13.2. Create and use accessor and mutator methods

Accessor and mutator methods, also known as getter and setter methods, are used to access and modify the private fields (attributes) of a class, respectively. Encapsulation is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that involves hiding the internal implementation details of a class and providing controlled access to its data. Accessor and mutator methods are essential components of achieving encapsulation in Java.

  1. Accessor (Getter) Methods:

Accessor methods are used to retrieve the values of private fields. They typically have the following characteristics:

  • They are public methods.
  • They do not modify the state of the object.
  • They return the value of a private field.

In the example above, getIntValue is an accessor method that returns the value of the private field intValue.

2. Mutator (Setter) Methods:

Mutator methods are used to modify the values of private fields. They typically have the following characteristics:

  • They are public methods.
  • They modify the state of the object by changing the values of private fields.
  • They often have parameters representing the new values.

When both getter and setter used in code.

In this extended example, the class MyClass has both accessor and mutator methods for two private fields (intValue and stringValue). These methods allow controlled access to the internal state of the class while maintaining encapsulation. Accessor methods enable the retrieval of field values, and mutator methods allow modification of those values.

13.3. Create overloaded methods

In Java, method overloading allows you to define multiple methods in the same class with the same name but different parameter lists. The compiler determines which method to call based on the number and types of arguments passed. This feature enhances code readability and flexibility.

Method overloading is based on the following criteria:

  1. Number of Parameters: Methods must have a different number of parameters.
  2. Type of Parameters: Methods must have parameters of different types.
  3. Order of Parameters: The order of parameters must be different.

The return type alone is not sufficient for method overloading; the parameter list must be unique.

Example :

In this example:

  • add method is overloaded three times: one for adding two integers, one for adding three integers, and one for adding two doubles.
  • concatenate method is used to concatenate two strings.

When you call these methods, the appropriate method is selected based on the number and types of arguments provided.

13.4. Describe a static method and demonstrate its use within a program

In Java, a static method is a method that belongs to the class rather than an instance of the class. This means you can call a static method on the class itself, without creating an object of that class. Static methods are often used for utility functions or operations that don’t depend on the state of a particular instance.


  • Static methods are declared using the static keyword.
  • They can access other static members of the class directly but cannot access instance variables or instance methods without creating an object.

Use Cases:

  • Utility methods: Methods that perform general-purpose tasks not specific to any instance.
  • Helper methods: Methods that assist in some computation without relying on the state of an object.
  • Factory methods: Methods that create and return instances of the class.

Below example create a simple MathUtils class with a static method to calculate the square of a number:

  • The MathUtils class has a static method named square that takes an integer parameter and returns the square of that number.
  • In the main method, we call the square method directly on the class (MathUtils.square(5)) without creating an instance of MathUtils.
  • The result is then printed to the console.Square of 5 is: 25

Here, the square method is defined as static, allowing us to use it without the need to create an object of the MathUtils class. This is a simple demonstration, but static methods become especially useful in larger programs when you have utility functions or operations that don't require an instance of the class.

As we draw to a close, I trust that the insights shared herein will serve as a valuable compass on your journey toward examination success.Good luck for the exams!



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